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RU XIAO FAN Ode an die Meditation.

According to the American environmentalist Paul Hawken, the average adult in the Western world knows over 1,000 brand names or logos, but fewer than ten local, native plants. Based on this, Tracey Bush began asking people which plants they could confidently identify. Using found packaging material from the streets of London, the artist created her collages, which combine the bright colors and shapes of the advertising industry with precise contours of flowers.

Electronic flowers.

Two sides of the same non-binary teapot!
This 1883 teapot is a mockery of so-called Aestheticism, an art movement in the second half of the 19th century. While the woman on the one side of the teapot is unknown, the man on the other is meant to represent homosexual writer Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), who was one of the most influential representatives of Aestheticism. The calla lily and sunflower adorning their chests were central motifs of the movement. Collecting porcelain was very popular in these circles, who strove to surround themselves solely with the most beautiful objects.

I hope that I never find this flower in the garden!

Delicious fragrance of honey in this room.
