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So far Kim has created 493 blog entries.

29 August Kingsbarns Beach

Today we went to an art exhibition on the beach

Free entry.

Sort of abstract organic, or what do you think?

Mixed media.

A fish in disguise.

A portrait.

Very flamboyant!

Not still life.

Another portrait.

But who are the artists?

Yep, that’s one of them.

Another ephemeral object.

Time to walk back for lunch.

29 August Kingsbarns Beach2024-07-16T11:35:43+02:00

26 August Edinburgh

We popped in to Edinburgh’s contemporary art museum today.

France-Lise McGurn Bachelorette

Eduardo Paolozzi Master of the Universe

Scottish schoolchildren.

Scottish school.

Scottish ice cream.

Time and again theatre Earwig

26 August Edinburgh2024-07-16T11:38:24+02:00

24 August Edinburgh


Famous Puppet Death Scenes

Tiger Lillies One Penny Opera

24 August Edinburgh2024-07-16T11:39:42+02:00

23 August Edinburgh

The Anniversary

The Return Of Sherlock Holmes With Nigel Miles-Thomas and Michael Roy Andrew. No video.

Gerhild in the Dovecote Studios.

Old friends near Edinburgh Castle.

23 August Edinburgh2024-07-16T11:40:08+02:00

22 August 1st day in Edinburgh

Took the no. 11 bus into Edinburgh.


Our first show was called After the World Stood Still.

Then we spontaneously dropped in to the Beehive Inn.

To see there’s something about Mary.

By Daniel Downie

Same man, different show.

Mary Queen of Scots…

…in the Scottish Portrait Gallery.

A puppet dancing to his master’s tune.

Even the cake shops have performers in the window!

22 August 1st day in Edinburgh2024-07-16T11:40:57+02:00

20 August Saturday Angel of the North

What is she looking at?

Something angelic.

Two angels.

Then we popped into the Baltic art centre in Newcastle.

Lakehurst Khorran.

Something for Kim to play with

20 August Saturday Angel of the North2024-07-16T11:42:59+02:00

17 August Wednesday part of Whernside

After a windy night we scampered part of the way up Whernside.

You wouldn’t want to mess with this sheepdog!


Our picnic spot.

Fantastic stones worthy of a famous sculptor.

Quite comfy too.

It’s not too windy today but look how this tree is growing.


A “pavement”.

Coming down to our camp site.

17 August Wednesday part of Whernside2024-07-16T11:44:47+02:00

16 August Tuesday Falls Park

Today we went down half of the spectacular “Falls Walk

So why is it called the “Falls” walk?

Maybe because you could fall in?

A place to fall in love?

You definitely shouldn’t fall over.

The river went that way!

16 August Tuesday Falls Park2024-07-16T11:45:13+02:00

15 August Monday go to Falls Park

Falls Park camp site Near Ingleton. €39/night.
Googlemaps Location

They’ve gone completely potty in Settle!

Mary Poppins just dropping in.

Postman Pot.

The potty pizza chef.

Not very well behaved potty children.

Another potty lot.

Our camp site in the Doe Valley.


Stepping stones over the river Doe.

15 August Monday go to Falls Park2024-07-16T11:47:10+02:00

14 August Sunday Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Visit Yorkshire Sculpture Park. £6 each.


Jason Wisher-Mills – one of his Argonauts in Love.

Picnic with Barbara Hepworth‘s Family of Man.

Niki de Saint Phalle – Buddha

JocJonJosch – Eddy

Someone’s been splitting hares. Sophie Ryder – Sitting

Bag of Aspirations by Kalliopi Lemos.

Robert Indiana – A hippy classic. All you need.

Jaume Plensa – White Nomad. Using letters from 8 different alphabets.

Damien Hirst – The Virgin Mother. And a nice tree!

14 August Sunday Yorkshire Sculpture Park2024-07-16T11:48:31+02:00

13 August Saturday drive to Holme Valley Camping

Somewhere close to Yorkshire Sculpture park for 2 nights.
https://www.holmevalleycamping.com/ 2 1/2 hour drive from “The Lawns” 00441484665819
Email: enquiries@holmevalleycamping.com

Location in Googlemaps

It‘s still a bit hot in the camper so a cool bench next to the duckpond is just right.

Fairies sleep here…

The camp site is where an old mill used to stand. This is the millstream.

13 August Saturday drive to Holme Valley Camping2024-07-16T11:49:13+02:00

12 August Friday lazy day


Today we just relaxed and did some washing. There was a good stiff breeze to go with the sunshine. Just right for drying the washing.

12 August Friday lazy day2024-07-16T11:49:37+02:00

11 August walk around the marsh & drive north

Looking across the river Alde.

Early start for a cooler walk.


The Lawns Caravan & Camping site is a 2 1/2 hour drive from Aldeburgh. Lowgate, Spalding PE12 8LN, UK

Location in Googlemaps

That is quite some lawn. Anyone for croquet?

Enjoy a cup of tea first.

It’s 31°C today, so best stay in the shade.

11 August walk around the marsh & drive north2024-07-16T11:50:09+02:00

10 August Aldeburgh

Park in Slaughden Rd

Parking for motorhome where you can stay overnight. Make sure you park in the slaughen quay car park outside the Slaughden Sailing Club where mororhomes are allowed. Nice view over the Alde river and marshes. motorhomes are not allowed on the road on the higher level overlooking the beach. Public toilet within 500 meters near the old lighthouse.
(Park4Night page)

Location in Googlemaps

Well fed, much contented folk.

10 August Aldeburgh2024-07-16T11:51:01+02:00

9 August Ferry to Harwich


30 min. Drive from camp site.

Hook of Holland to Harwich. Departs 14:15 Arrives 19:45

Glorious, sunny crossing.

Reading next to a porthole. Gerhild is reading Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. Kim is reading The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley.

The Castle Inn, The Street, Ramsey, Essex, CO12 5HH – £20/night
Phone: 00441255880739 www.castleinnramsey.co.uk

9 August Ferry to Harwich2024-07-16T11:51:35+02:00

8 August Rotterdam


Rotterdam station is quite smart.

The famous cube houses.

Inside the stairs are verrry steep and it’s quite hot but lots of fun.

Disorientating isn’t it?

Nice rabbit.

These revolving chairs are great.

Here you can pedal like mad and admire the bridge. There’s always something to keep you entertained.

A cigar-smoking hippopotamus. Love it. Dedicated to Marten Toonder, a famous Dutch cartoonist.

A block of flats over a food market.

The ceiling offers inspiration in case you don‘t know what to eat.

8 August Rotterdam2024-07-16T11:52:36+02:00

7 August Rotterdam Kunsthal

Visit Kunsthal (10:00 – 17:00 Adults € 16,50)

When the pedestrian lights are made of bamboo and light up like this, you know it’s the way to the zoo.

Interesting architecture in Rotterdam. The small building to the right is a church.

Sleeping stones at the Kunsthal.

This is a warehouse for part of the city’s art collection. Depot Boijmans


Bicycle parking in the street behind Wagamama.

7 August Rotterdam Kunsthal2024-07-16T11:53:12+02:00

5 August leave Berlin for a cherry orchard

6 hour drive (should have been 4) to Hagen am Teutoburger Wald
Reisemobilstellplatz Hagen a.T.W. Zum Jägerberg, 49170 Hagen am Teutoburger Wald (Link to Googlemap)

Hagen is a pleasant little village with some nice benches.

The free camper parking spot is next to a cherry orchard, where you are invited to have a nibble. ( Hagen‘s cherries) 10 minute stroll under cherry trees down into the village.


There‘s loads of uses for cherries.

5 August leave Berlin for a cherry orchard2024-07-16T11:54:17+02:00


Im hohen Gras

Trifft ein junger Löwenzahn
einen alten Löwenzahn.
Was machst Du hier
fragt der Junge frech.

Ich warte auf meinen Freund, den Wind
er trägt mich geschwind
nach Italien.
Und da treffe ich Gerhild und Kim!

Wir sind in Florenz, einer schönen italienischen Stadt. Gestern hatten wir nichts mehr anzuziehen und mussten schnell unsere Sachen waschen. Die Bäume waren zu weit auseinander, um eine Wäscheleine zu spannen, aber es gab genug Gänseblümchen. Mit etwas Zauber konnten wir so die Wäsche trocknen.
Liebe Grüße von Kim und Gerhild

Heute hatten wir Glück. Als wir einen Platz für unseren Camper gesucht haben, haben wir ein Wildschwein getroffen. Es sagte, seine Höhle in der Kastanie ist zu klein seitdem die Frischlinge geboren sind und ob wir vielleicht da übernachten möchten. Das wäre sehr schön und vielen Dank, sagte ich, und versprach alles sauber zu machen, wenn wir am nächsten Tag weiter fahren. Gerhild fragte, ob es Hula-Hoop probieren möchte, aber der Reifen war leider zu klein für das Wildschwein!
Alles Liebe aus dem Kastanienbaum
Kim und Gerhild

Heute haben wir eine Wanderung gemacht. Ganz in der Nähe war ein schöner Berg. Er war ziemlich steil, aber es hat Spaß gemacht. Die Sonne schien und die Vögel zwitscherten. Ganz oben haben wir dann ein Picknick im Schatten eines freundlichen Baumes gemacht. Zwei Zwitscherspatzen haben mit den Köpfchen genickt, weil sie mit picken wollten. Ganz schön frech, aber da hatten sie Pech.

Liebe Grüße
Gerhild & Kim

Eines Tages hat uns Emil, der Esel gefragt, ob er und seine Freunde im Camper übernachten dürfen. Wir haben ja gesagt und in der schönen Scheune geschlafen. Die Tiere haben es sich im Camper gemütlich gemacht. Sabrina, das Schaf wollte auch das Fahren probieren, aber die Beine waren zu kurz. Am folgenden Tag, als die Sonne aufwachte, hat Heinrich, der Hahn so laut gekräht, dass Gudrun, die Gans vor Schreck ein Ei gelegt hat. Hugo, der Hund hat das Ei vorsichtig ins Maul genommen und in die Scheune gebracht. Sebastian, das Schwein hat alles super sauber gemacht. Die Tiere haben sich alle höflich bedankt, ich habe ein Foto gemacht und wir sind weiter gefahren.
Tierische Grüße
Kim & Gerhild

Hier in Italien gibt es jede Menge Klatschmohn. Wir sind über eine magische Wiese gelaufen und die zauberhaften Blumen haben ein Lied gesungen. Als sie mit dem Lied fertig waren haben sie geklatscht. Komisch, dachte ich und habe genauer hingeschaut. Sie kamen mir dann ziemlich bekannt vor. Ulkig, oder?
Süß duftende Grüße aus der Wiese!
Gerhild und Kim


11 June Dresden

Dresden revisited after 28 years.

Haus der Kultur.

How to plant your flowers without a pot.

Nice exhibition of moving toys.

Very smart boxing game to see who can knock the other player’s head off.


The robot girl from Metropolis.

TV report on exhibition https://www.mdr.de/kultur/ausstellungen/dresden-skd-ausstellung-figurenautomaten-100.html

Kim in the entrance to the Kunsthalle im Lipsius-Bau.

Now behave yourself or you won‘t grow up into a real statue!


Gerhild trying to work her own blue wonder on Dresden‘s most famous bridge.


You know that feeling that you’re being watched, well…

11 June Dresden2024-07-16T11:56:06+02:00

9 June long drive to Pfaffenhofen

Super place €8 to park the camper provided by the council, with grass and electricity!

First impressions of Pfaffenhofen after a long and rainy drive.

The main square which is pleasant to sit around and watch the world go by, even if it’s 10 degrees cooler than Merano.

Popped into the church which was chocka with very professional carvings.

Cherubic, just like me.

9 June long drive to Pfaffenhofen2024-07-16T11:57:03+02:00

8 June walk up to Tirol Dorf

Today we walked from the camp site up a pleasant, shady walk along a slightly over-manicured promenade.

Guess what the farmers grow around Merano?


It was about a 10 km stroll and then a bus brought us back down to town. By 1 o‘clock we were snoozing on the lawn in the shade.

8 June walk up to Tirol Dorf2024-07-16T11:57:34+02:00

7 June Merano

After a rainy, stormy night.

An angler‘s float next to the Ponte Romano.

Not your common or garden grass snake.

The giant South Tyrolean woodpecker.

Atlas‘ load lightened now that the UK has gone it’s own way.


Look at who‘s appearing on this stone-age TV set.

7 June Merano2024-07-16T11:58:19+02:00

6 June do some washing

Nice sunny day to do some washing.

Look at the mountains.

6 June do some washing2024-07-16T11:58:52+02:00

4 June Rovereto & MART museum

Top topiary near our area sostra camper oak.

Look at this frame!

Freaky still life.

The things they made children do for Mussolini…

How do you like these two?

Love these futurist models.


Now we know what goes on at art school.

Blimey, her lemons must be sour!


Futurism is fab.




Who could resist a Campari with advertising like this?


Futurist gelateria.

4 June Rovereto & MART museum2024-07-16T11:59:58+02:00

3 June Bosco Arte Stenico

We went for a walk in the forest today https://www.boscoartestenico.eu/


Two old men in the forest.

Draw a picture anyone?

Nice wolf howling at the moon.

Now that would be a dress for Cinderella!


Joi de vivre.


What happens when your strings are cut. Some climb to great heights, others collapse in a heap.


Art with a view.

That frog looks hungry, the busy bees had better watch out.

No idea what this is, but I wouldn‘t want to bump into it in the dark.

Last one before we walk down to Stenico village for a cup of coffee.

Nice view of the castello.

After our snack we drove to Rovereto.

Mozart liked it enough to mention it in Don Giovanni so of course we had to try some with our delicious meal at El Raminel.

3 June Bosco Arte Stenico2024-07-16T12:01:01+02:00

1 June Parma

Today we went to Parma which has a very rudimentary camp site right next to the motorway.

The lady in the tourist office told us that everything was closed except for the cathedral.

So we popped into the cathedral which showed loads of people sitting on clouds.

I enjoyed a huge round of aperitivi. Gerhild didn‘t appreciate all of the bready stuff. We tried new drinks and rubarbaro zucco was a bit too bitter for G. so I had to drink it.

1 June Parma2024-07-16T12:02:46+02:00

31 May Parco Naturale San Bartolo

We are in Camping Panoramico today. Good name that.

Lazy day today. Just when we felt like stroll it rained.

31 May Parco Naturale San Bartolo2024-07-16T12:03:15+02:00

30 May Grotte di Frasassi

We went to the amazing Frasassi Caves today after spending the night gratis on their car park in a special section for campers.










Incredible what nature can produce given a million years or so.

30 May Grotte di Frasassi2024-07-16T12:04:05+02:00
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