4 Sept 2020 Schwerin

Nice start to the day

Hilly ride through the woods into Schwerin

An arresting performance from a singing policewoman.

Beautiful garden behind Schweriner Schloss

Not a bad place to work for the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern government

Can I share your umbrella?


An automaton, even here in Schwerin!


4 Sept 2020 Schwerin2024-07-16T16:32:49+02:00

5 Sept 2020 change of plan

The author Franz Werfel about 1930, Prague

Am Morgen vorgelesen

Die Sonnabend-Story: Die Hoteltreppe Die Sonnabend-Story: Die Hoteltreppe

Samstag, 05. September 2020

A phone call, just as we were about to drive to Wismar. The loo is overflowing in Berlin and the poo with it. Have to go straight back to clean it up. Bye bye Meck-Pomm. We will have to visit Schleswig-Holstein some other time…

Kim cleaning up the poo

5 Sept 2020 change of plan2024-07-16T16:33:38+02:00
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